– Primitive Baptist articles, sermons and podcasts, church directory, historical church writings (Elder David Wise, Pastor of Clear Springs, is a Contributing Editor to – Purchase books and other literature by Primitive Baptist authors from Sovereign Grace Publications – Internet streaming of Primitive Baptist sermons, singing, and scripture reading – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (a production of Sovereign Grace Publications) – “Gospel Freedom” is a documentary film/docuseries that explores the subjects of grace, faith, and assurance. Click here to subscribe to Gospel Freedom Movie YouTube channel. (This is a production of He Shall Save Media) – He Shall Save Media delivers podcasts, videos, and contemporary commentary from the word of God from a Primitive Baptist perspective – Primitive Baptist articles, historical church writings – Large collection of sermons by various Primitive Baptist ministers – Large collection of writings and sermons by Primitive Baptist ministers – Large collection of recorded hymns and video and audio sermons and writings by Primitive Baptist ministers

Nationwide Primitive Baptist Church Directory – Directory of Primitive Baptist churches across the USA with location, contact information, and directions for each church. (A Google Maps church directory maintained by can be viewed here)

TETH YouTube channelTETH blog site ― Audio blog commentary by TheEarsToHear (TETH), explaining Primitive Baptist beliefs in the form of short videos and commentary

Worship the King – Books and hymnals published by the Worship the King Hymnal Corporation