Clear Springs Primitive Baptist Church was constituted in August 1858 and since that time has strived to maintain simplistic New Testament worship with Jesus Christ as the sole focal point of everything we do in the church.
We submit to the authority of Jesus Christ as the head of the church (Col. 1:18, Eph. 1:22) and we have no basis for any activity of worship or of the church other than that activity being established in the scriptures. The depictions we have in the New Testament about the worship service of the first century church consisted of three basic parts that we still adhere to today at Clear Springs: singing, preaching, and prayer.
Singing – We sing a capella (without the accompaniment of musical instruments) as we are instructed in the New Testament to sing praises with our voices unto God (Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19). Our entire congregation is “the choir” and we attempt to make a joyful noise unto the Lord (Psalm 100:1) as a “sacrifice of thanksgiving” (Psalm 116:17) unto God for His blessings in our lives.
Preaching – We have our Pastor, or occasionally a visiting minister, to preach a message from the word of God each worship service – usually for about a hour. The purpose of preaching is not to save souls for heaven, but rather to guide the children of God in understanding the salvation that has already been given them in Christ Jesus (Acts 8:30-35). Our ministers attempt to take the word of God and “give the sense” thereof so the Lord’s people can understand the law of God, in the pattern of Ezra the scribe (Neh. 8:1-8).
Prayer – We take special prayer requests and thanksgivings each worship service, and certain brethren in the church offer a public prayer, while the rest of the congregation follows with them in prayer as well. We believe the bible teaches us to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17), but we also believe in the power of the collective church praying for a specific purpose (Acts 12:5-17) and those in need – particularly those who are sick – should call for the elders of the church to pray over them in a special manner (James 5:14-16). Our sovereign God is still in the miracle-working business and one of the main avenues that miracles are manifested in today’s time is through the power of the individual believers prayers to Him.
Family-Integrated – The New Testament church is always presented in unity, never in segregation or division. Our families worship together with the children, teenagers, and parents all worshiping together and being taught by the same instructor – the God-called minister, just as Titus was instructed to teach all age groups and genders (Titus 2:1-6). There is no Biblical precedent for the segregation of the church based on age, gender, or spiritual maturity, but rather each believer is to instruct and help others to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus, with one man presiding over and teaching the congregation in the public worship service. Division and separation are always detrimental to the church and to the individual families in the church as well. We welcome families to come worship with us and experience the worship service with your entire family together.
We believe when we fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ we have fellowship with Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3-7). We have a fellowship lunch two Sundays each month after morning worship to allow our members to visit and converse in Christ. Our members usually arrive early to church and stay after worship on Sundays to allow for time to fellowship with fellow believers in Christ. Fellowship allows believers to help each other in the personal growth of discipleship and following Christ. Fellowship was a hallmark of the original church (Acts 2:42), and we endeavor to maintain close communion and fellowship at Clear Springs.
Serving Others
We believe we serve Jesus Christ by serving others – “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:34-40). We are committed to serving our brethren in Christ and serving the community in which we reside. We hope many from our local community in Maben, Mississippi, and surrounding cities such as Starkville, Mississippi will come worship with us and experience the blessing of the church.
Making Disciples
The church was not commissioned with making children of God or saving souls to heaven – that was accomplished by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross – but we are commanded to teach and to make disciples here in this world (Matt. 28:18-20). Clear Springs is committed to preaching the cross and salvation by grace alone, and we desire to teach and disciple all children of God who have an unction to take up their cross and follow Christ here in this world.
Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church
Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church from Ackerman, Mississippi merged with Clear Springs PBC in March 2025. Macedonia was constituted in 1887 and worshipped faithfully until merging with Clear Springs Church in 2025.
Click here to view a PDF of the 130 Year Anniversary Pamphlet for Macedonia (2017)