Author: Pastor David Page 2 of 22

Intercession for the Transgressors

2025 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Tim McCool takes us through the gospel according to Isaiah in chapter 53. Specifically, Jesus Christ took upon himself the penalty and intercession for all of his children. Because of Christ’s work of intercession, our penalty of sin has been washed away by Christ’s blood.

A Deceptive Kiss

2025 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Ben Shettles makes us consider introspectively if there might be some areas in our lives where we might still kiss Jesus Christ in fellowship, but act in a way that is deceptive and not in alignment with loving Christ. Judas did something similar with his deceptive kiss to Jesus, but never truly changed his manner of life to conform to the standard of God’s word.

Building Upon Love

2025 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Jerry Wise encourages God’s people to grow in the fruit of the Spirit. To continue to grow from the first fruit of the Spirit of love, but to continue to progress and mature in our discipleship to bear the furtherance of the fruit of the Spirit as well – peace, joy, faith, meekness, temperance, longsuffering, gentleness, and goodness.

2025 February Fellowship Meeting

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Congregational Singing – Saturday Morning

Congregational Singing – Saturday Afternoon

Building Upon Love – Elder Jerry Wise

A Deceptive Kiss – Elder Ben Shettles

Intercession for the Transgressors – Elder Tim McCool

Lessons from the Rebellion of Korah – Lic. Braden Rogers

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Kingdom is Within You – Elder David Wise

Unity in the Body of Christ

Maintaining unity in the body of Christ, among the Lord’s lively stones, is a fragile and challenging endeavor. As we are each attempting to walk worthy of our individual vocation, how do we walk worthy in unity as a church body? We must unify under the common banner of Christ, of one Lord, one faith, and one baptism and endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace together.

Submit to Every Ordinance of Man

The scriptural command for God’s children is to submit to every ordinance of man. In the most extreme circumstances, we might be called to obey God rather than man, but outside of that, it should be the disposition of God’s people to submit to the rule and authority of government. The wicked are characterized by anarchy and despising government, so in contrast, the light of world should be peaceable, and obedient to the God-ordained authority of government.

Walking Worthy of Your Vocation

Based on all the spiritual blessings that we have been given in Christ – election, predestination, adoption, redemption, regeneration, and reconciliation – how should we walk in our lives? We should walk worthy of the holy calling, the vocation that the Lord has called us to in the new birth. We are given very specific areas of life and specific instructions throughout the rest of the Ephesian epistle for how we are to walk worthy of our holy calling in service to our Lord.

Sifted & Converted

Examining the roller coaster ride of Peter’s walk of faith, Jesus Christ told Peter he would ultimately deny the Lord and Satan desired to sift him as wheat. Jesus had prayed for him that his faith would ultimately not fail, but he would be converted, and he was later blessed to confess the Lord three times. When he was in this low state, Jesus did not make Peter question if he was really saved or not, or tell him he was going to hell like we hear in some circles of Christianity today. Rather, the answer to Peter is the same to us today – Repent and be converted!

Exceeding Abundantly Above

With God all things are possible. There is nothing too hard for the Lord. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above even the highest capacity that we can even ask or think. May we never dilute or diminish the powerful movement and manifestation of God’s power in the lives of his people. When we encounter challenges in our health, in relationships, or even in the church, when we pray we need to pray with the faith that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or even think.

God’s Purpose in Government

We consider together from the scriptures, exactly why did God set up the institution of government. Government’s reach today has gone far beyond the original scope of God’s will, so what is the scriptural purpose of government. Primarily God set up government authority to protect his people from the unchecked depravity of man and to maintain law and order.

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