When we consider eternal salvation, as Primitive Baptists we simply take Jesus at his word on the cross when he declared “It Is Finished”! We must then ask, what did Jesus actually finish on the cross? Did Christ just do his part of salvation and now he is waiting and dependent upon the sinner to believe to actually be fully saved? No, the Bible teaches that Jesus completed all the requirements for eternal salvation on the cross. Let us consider together the many verses that present the “past tense” nature of our eternal salvation – that Jesus has “finished” our eternal salvation and we rest in Jesus’ finished work of salvation today.
Author: Pastor David Page 5 of 22

What Is A Primitive Baptist? is a title authored by David Wise in 2020. This book explains the distinctive points of doctrine and practice that identify the Original (Primitive) Baptist church in the world today.
To purchase this book through Lulu ($15), please follow this link.
To download a free PDF copy of this work, please follow this link.
To listen to 20 minute sermons on each of these topics, please follow this link.

What Is The Church? is a title authored by David Wise in 2022. In this book, we consider the scriptural presentation of the church and how we should operate together in the body of Christ for the glory of God.
To purchase this book through Lulu ($10), please follow this link.
To download a free PDF copy of this work, please follow this link.
To listen to sermons on each of these topics, please follow this link.

This We Believe: Explanatory Notes on Primitive Baptist Articles of Faith is a title authored by David Wise in 2018. This book gives robust scriptural evidence and quick verse references for all of the major points of doctrine that are addressed in the Primitive Baptist Articles of Faith.
To purchase this book through Lulu ($15), please follow this link.
To download a free PDF copy of this work, please follow this link.
To listen to sermons on each of these topics, please follow this link.

Basic Bible Doctrines: Systematic Theology for the Person in the Pew was written by Michael Gowens, and a revised edition was released in 2015.
“Every Christian should be a systematic theologian. Each should be able to formulate the core truths of the Bible in an orderly arrangement so as to form the big picture portrayed in God’s word. It is not enough for Christians to simply store bits and pieces of Bible trivia about various subjects, or to simply derive comfort from selected passages of Scripture. A truly robust discipleship is the product of a mind that thinks theologically. Doctrine is vital.”

The Bible Study Notebook was published in book form by Vernon Johnson in 2015.
The Bible Study Notebook has proven to be both simple and edifying. Written for the common man, this study guide presents bible truth in such a way that both beginners and more advanced Bible students will benefit from these pages. Vernon Johnson has been compiling these articles over the span of many years, and has provided copies of this Bible Study Notebook to any serious student of the scripture he encounters. By God’s providence, this study guide has been used in evangelistic efforts in the United States and abroad. Many churches and fellowships in Africa have used this resource as a foundation for their studies in practical godliness, truth, and doctrine.
Click here to purchase a book copy of The Bible Study Notebook
Click here to download a free PDF of The Bible Study Notebook

What Shall We Say Then? was authored by Jeff Winfrey in 2017.
A thoroughly readable volume on the beliefs and practices of Primitive Baptists. The author addresses subjects such as: Primitive Baptist Doctrine, The Existence of God, The Deity of Jesus Christ, The Difference in Primitive Baptists and other Christian Groups, How People are Born Again, The Meaning of John 3:16, The Purpose of the Gospel, The Place of Good Works, Spiritual Gifts …and many more.
Click here to purchase a book copy of What Shall We Say Then?

Questions and Answers to Parents for Children was authored by Joshua Winslett in 2014.
Questions and Answers is a Primitive Baptist catechism and family worship aid from a sovereign grace perspective. It is written in a traditional catechism format. This short work discusses various biblical topics that children might ask their parents. It includes an introductory essay on family worship, instruction on how to use a catechism, questions, answers, verse references, and essays on the doctrines of grace.
Click here to purchase a book copy of Questions & Answers for Parents to Children
Click on the links below to purchase books written by Primitive Baptist authors in an expository, verse-by-verse format from each book of the Bible.
Nehemiah – Rebuild! Discipleship Lessons from Nehemiah, by Bryce Lowrance
Esther – The Writings of Elder John Respess, by John Respess
Habakkuk – A Primitive Baptist Perspective on Habakkuk, by Joshua Winslett
Matthew 5-7 – The Sermon on the Mount, by Michael Gowens
Luke – The Gospel of Luke, by Michael Gowens
John – Exposition of the Gospel of John, by Michael Gowens
Acts – Study Notes on the Book of Acts, by Benjamin Winslett
Romans – Romans: Theological Masterpiece (Volume 1), by Joe Holder
Romans – Romans: Theological Masterpiece (Volume 2), by Joe Holder
Galatians – A Primitive Baptist Perspective on Galatians, by Joshua Winslett
Galatians – Comments on Galatians, by Harold Hunt
Ephesians – Comments on Ephesians, by Harold Hunt
Philippians – Comments on Philippians, by Harold Hunt
1st & 2nd Timothy & Titus – The Pastoral Epistles, by Michael Gowens
Hebrews – Hebrews: Expository Essays Series, by Michael Gowens
1st Peter – Lessons from 1st Peter, by Joe Holder
1st Peter – The Exhortations of Peter, by JC Stanaland
2nd Peter – An Exhortation to Good Behavior, by JC Stanaland
1st John – Expository Essays on 1st John, by Michael Gowens
Revelation 2-3 – The Seven Churches of Asia, by Michael Gowens
Revelation – Revelation: Images of Redemptive History, by Joe Holder
Click on the links below to purchase devotional books written by Primitive Baptist authors to aid in your daily study of God’s word.
Day by Day: 365 Daily Readings on Biblical Themes, by Ralph Harris
Walking with God, by Ralph Harris
Family Devotions with Helpful Hints for Parents, by Neil Phelan
Daily Meditations, by Dolph Painter