Author: Pastor David Page 7 of 22

Abiding in the True Vine

Jesus Christ is the True Vine and his children are his branches. The Lord planted his vineyard to bring forth much fruit for his glory. The only way we can do anything or bring forth any fruit is by abiding in Christ. We abide in Christ by abiding in his word, by abiding in love, and abiding in his commandments.

Christian Crazy, Part 3

As Christians, we ought to act contrary to this world. We should follow the example of Jesus Christ and other disciples and be crazy generous. What we have is not our own, and we should not view it as ours to do as we please. Instead we should be radically charitable in helping others.

The Work & Word of Reconciliation

Adam’s sin in the garden plunged mankind into a broken relationship with God with no ability to reconcile ourselves back to the Lord. Jesus Christ came to reconcile us back to fellowship with God by his death on the cross. Now, the veil of the temple has been opened up by Christ to where we have direct access to God. Christ finished the work of reconciling us back to God, and now he has given us the word of reconciliation in the gospel for us to know what Christ has already accomplished for us that we would live in peace of his finished work.

Providence by Angelic Intervention

When God sees fit to actively intervene in his providence, one of the primary ways he does is through angelic intervention. God sends his angels to providentially protect, defend, and fight on behalf of his children in this world to protect us from Satan and from our enemies.

A New Creation

We consider another picture of regeneration in Eph. 2, the work of God in the soul as a new creation. When Christ comes to inhabit our soul in regeneration, we are remade into a new creature – old things are passed away and behold all things are made new. Our nature as a new spiritual creation, God has ordained for us to bring forth good works unto Christ’s glory as a new creature.

Mixtures of Joy & Sorrow

As we move towards the conclusion of yet another year and reflect upon the last twelve months, most likely we can say along with the hymnwriter, “mixtures of joy and sorrow I daily do pass through.” As we reflect and take inventory of the last year, I hope we can see the happy, joyful moments that we have been blessed to enjoy by God’s grace. We need to count our many blessings, name them one by one, and it should not surprise us what the Lord has done, but sometimes we need to be reminded of just how much we have been blessed by individually counting (maybe even writing down) our blessings one by one. I hope we can thank the Lord for his blessings, care, provision, and grace in our lives, not just in the last twelve months, but throughout our entire lifetime.

Another Comforter

In response to the troubled hearts of the disciples as Jesus was going away, Jesus Christ promised that he would send another Comforter, the Holy Spirit, unto his people. The God of all comfort sends the Holy Comforter unto his people to comfort, encourage, and strengthen our troubled hearts.

Christian Crazy, Part 2

We consider the Samaritan woman for how crazy a Christian should look to the world. This woman who was living in sin was so crazy excited when she saw her Messiah that she broke social norms to not only speak to the men, but tell everyone in town to come see the Messiah, and led to many Samaritans being converted to Christ. Also, Hannah looked crazy to the world in honoring her vow to give up her son, Samuel, to the custody of the temple and Eli’s wicked sons. She displays crazy trust and faith in commending her son unto God.

2024 November Annual Meeting

Providence by God’s Active Intervention

Sometimes God sees fit to intervene in the affairs of men to actively stop events or save his people from danger or their enemies. When God sees fit to actively intervene, powerful, amazing things happen! Let’s consider together some amazing stories when God actively intervened to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think!

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