Author: Pastor David Page 8 of 22

Christian Crazy, Part 1

This world views the disciples of Christ and Christians as crazy, which is a good thing if we are crazy for Christ’s sake. We consider some examples in scripture in which we should be crazy, in comparison to this world. We should be crazy in forgiveness, compassion, and faithfulness.

Conquering Fear

These messages on conquering fear were delivered at Macedonia PBC by Pastor David from January to April 2024. Fear is a natural emotion that we all have and sometimes struggle with, but fear left unchecked can create torment and bondage in our lives. We consider together the ways in which fear might be expressed in our lives, and also the remedies and weapons the Lord has given us to conquer the spirit of fear.

The Will of God

These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from September 2023 to March 2024. For the sincere child of God, we want to follow and be obedient to God’s will. However, practically speaking, what actually is God’s will? how do I know and discern God’s will for my life? how does God guide His children in walking in His will? In this sermon series together, we consider the verses that address God’s will in scripture and try to consider some practical ways that we can discern and walk in accordance with God’s will during our lives.

2024 February Fellowship Meeting

7 Simple Daily Goals for the New Year

As we begin a new year, it can be overwhelming to consider all the commands in scripture that we are to obey. Therefore, here are a few simple commands that we can focus on as we begin a new year.

Here are 7 simple commands to focus on as a goal each day in the new year:

  1. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind 
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself
  3. Fear God
  4. Keep God’s commandments 
  5. Do justly 
  6. Love mercy
  7. Walk humbly with thy God

These commands come from 3 verses that describe all-encompassing themes that if we focus on then we will serve God in an acceptable way.

  • The greatest & second commandment (Matt. 22:36-40)
  • The whole duty of man (Eccl. 12:13)
  • What does the Lord require of thee (Micah 6:8)

Gospel of John

From November 2022 to ___ on Wednesday nights, Pastor David preached through the Gospel of John.

In introducing the Gospel of John, we also considered a topical survey of 1st John which presents similar major themes as John’s gospel. Sermons from 1st John can be found here.

Book of Nehemiah

From July to December 2023, Pastor David at Macedonia PBC preached through the book of Nehemiah. God providentially moves Nehemiah to press through an effectual, open door to rebuild the broken-down walls of Jerusalem. Despite all the attacks of Satan, Nehemiah and the Jews overcame all these obstacles and completed the rebuilding of the wall in record time in only 52 days. We examine the pattern of Nehemiah for how we ought to be kingdom builders and overcome our adversaries through faith in Jesus Christ.


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

Introduction to Nehemiah

Prayer for Mercy & Restoration – Nehemiah 1:1-11

The Good Hand of God – Nehemiah 2:1-8

Honest Evaluation of our Broken Walls – Nehemiah 2:9-20

Rebuilding our Individual Portion of the Wall – Nehemiah 3:1-32

Overcoming External Adversaries & Persecution – Nehemiah 4:1-12

The Sword & The Trowel – Nehemiah 4:13-23

Overcoming Internal Division – Nehemiah 5:1-19

Overcoming Distractions, Slander & Fear – Nehemiah 6:1-19

Idolizing the Good Old Days – Nehemiah 7:1-73

Nehemiah’s New Testament Worship Service – Nehemiah 8:1-8

The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength – Nehemiah 8:9-18

For Thy Great Mercies’ Sake – Nehemiah 9

Deja Vu All Over Again – Nehemiah 10-13

A Form of Godliness, Part 1 – Malachi

A Form of Godliness, Part 2 – Malachi

The Lord’s Book of Fellowship – Malachi 3:16-18


Click here to purchase a book on this topic, Rebuild: Discipleship Lessons from Nehemiah by Bryce Lowrance.

2023 November Annual Meeting

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Congregational Singing – Saturday Morning

Congregational Singing – Saturday Afternoon

Saved by the Gospel of the Resurrection – Elder Bryce Lowrance

How Do We Define Our Religious Practice? – Elder Bryce Lowrance

Prophesying by the Word of God – Elder Neil Honea

He Saw Them Toiling – Elder Neil Honea

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Church Should be a Noisy Place – Elder Bryce Lowrance

In Every Thing Give Thanks

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thess. 5:18)

It seems each year as we arrive in late November approaching the Thanksgiving holiday, I am convicted of how much I have taken for granted and not given appropriate thanksgiving for God’s blessings in my life. Rather than an annual, once-a-year remembrance of God’s blessings and thanksgiving, the Lord commands his people to give thanks “always” (Eph. 3:20). Furthermore, God’s will for us is to give thanks “in every thing.” (1 Thess. 5:18) We certainly do not give thanks “for” everything in our lives. We don’t thank God “for” sin, temptations, sickness, death, the devil, and the evil of this world. However, in spite of any circumstance we encounter in this life, we can still give thanks to God “in” the midst of any trial.

Jesus Christ in the Law

These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from November 2022 to August 2023. Sometimes the books of the Mosaic Law can become tedious and maybe even boring. However, when we read the law searching for Jesus Christ, the law takes on a much greater excitement. We spend time examining the Mosaic law and consider together how the law truly “testifies” of our coming Redeemer, Jesus Christ. “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” (John 5:39)

In conjunction with this sermon series, you may view and download the Mosaic Law Summary Reference Guide that groups all of the law into topics with verse references for each commandment.

Click here to view & download a PDF study guide of the Mosaic Law Summary Reference Guide


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

Search the Scriptures – The Purpose of the Law

The Ten Commandments

Christ, Our City of Refuge

Cleansing of the Leper

Christ, Our Beloved Husband

Christ, Our Kinsman Redeemer

Christ, Our Sabbath Rest

Christ, Our Jubilee

The Priesthood – A Holy Priesthood

The Priesthood – Christ, Our Great High Priest

The Tabernacle – The Outer Court & Holy Place

The Tabernacle – The Holy of Holies

Offerings – Burnt Offering & Sin Offering

Offerings – Other Offerings

Offerings – Day of Atonement – Part 1

Offerings – Day of Atonement – Part 2

Feasts – Passover & Feast of Unleavened Bread

Feasts – The Feasts of Firstfruits & Pentecost

Feasts – The Feasts of Trumpets & Tabernacles

Fulfilled to a Jot & Tittle

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