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Commonly Used Passages Against a Righteous God

We consider together the verse where little ones are dashed against a stone, that is commonly used as an attack against the righteousness of God. While God never approves or commands sin, oftentimes the Lord will suffer calamity to come to judge his people. However, God will always hold the wicked accountable for their actions of sin, which we see in the example of the nation of Babylon.

Honor & Pray for Government Leaders

The Bible commands God’s people to honor and pray for our government leaders. We do not pray just to advance our political agenda, but we pray for the government to maintain law and order so that we can lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. It is vitally important for the church to fulfil our scriptural duty to fervently pray for our governmental leaders.

Lees & Dregs

The lees and dregs are the leftover remnants of wine at the bottom of the cup that are very unsavory to the taste. It is inevitable that the lees and dregs of our sins must be paid for. They will either be paid for by the wicked at the last day, or the dregs were paid in full by Jesus Christ on the cross.

Submit to Every Ordinance of Man

The scriptural command for God’s children is to submit to every ordinance of man. In the most extreme circumstances, we might be called to obey God rather than man, but outside of that, it should be the disposition of God’s people to submit to the rule and authority of government. The wicked are characterized by anarchy and despising government, so in contrast, the light of world should be peaceable, and obedient to the God-ordained authority of government.

Sifted & Converted

Examining the roller coaster ride of Peter’s walk of faith, Jesus Christ told Peter he would ultimately deny the Lord and Satan desired to sift him as wheat. Jesus had prayed for him that his faith would ultimately not fail, but he would be converted, and he was later blessed to confess the Lord three times. When he was in this low state, Jesus did not make Peter question if he was really saved or not, or tell him he was going to hell like we hear in some circles of Christianity today. Rather, the answer to Peter is the same to us today – Repent and be converted!

God’s Purpose in Government

We consider together from the scriptures, exactly why did God set up the institution of government. Government’s reach today has gone far beyond the original scope of God’s will, so what is the scriptural purpose of government. Primarily God set up government authority to protect his people from the unchecked depravity of man and to maintain law and order.

Patch, Bottle & Spear

We examine a few accounts from the life of King David and look at some ways in which the actions of David point us towards the mercy of Jesus Christ. Just like Saul, we are justly condemned by accusers because of our sin. In spite of Saul’s unworthiness, David showed mercy unto Saul to spare his life because of his respect of the Lord’s anointing upon Saul.

God’s Establishment of Government

In this period of political change and possible turmoil, we consider together God’s will in the establishment of government. God established government for law and order and to protect us from the unchecked depravity of man. The ultimate ruler in this world is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and God is the ultimate sovereign in this world and rulers only are allowed authority according to the Lord’s will.

Bundle of Life

Using the phrase used by Abigail, we consider the ways in which God’s children are bound up in the bundle of life with the Lord thy God. We are bound in the bundle of life in Christ before the world began, being chosen and predestinated unto eternal life with God in heaven. We were safely bound in the bundle of life by Christ’s perfect obedience and he finished the work of salvation on the cross. Then, we will finally be in the eternal bundle of life with Christ our Savior in heaven.

Prayer and the Providence of God

As we conclude our thoughts on the providence of God, we consider the effect of prayer in how the Lord sees fit to move providentially in our lives. Our prayers can truly change the course of history, as we intercede for the Lord to move powerfully and providentially among his people.

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