Worship Each Week

Sunday Morning Worship

We meet each Sunday morning for worship at 10:30am, beginning with singing service and followed by preaching service around 11:00am. Our worship consists of simple acapella singing, prayer, and preaching from the word of God.

Every Sunday we have a fellowship potluck lunch around noon, immediately following the morning worship service.

Wednesday Evening Worship

Clear Springs Church meets in Starkville, MS each Wednesday night at 6:00pm for a joint Primitive Baptist weekly fellowship meeting. The fellowship meeting meets for worship at the New Covenant Church building in Starkville. Click here for more information and directions.

Bible Study

Church Bible Study

Periodically we meet in the homes of church members for a Bible study of God’s word. The location for the Bible study may change so please contact us if you desire to attend.

Special Meetings


Clear Springs hosts an annual fellowship meeting on the 4th weekend in April. This is an open meeting where we have visiting ministers and members from the area and abroad come to worship with us throughout the weekend. Services typically begin on Saturday at 10:30am – with morning and afternoon worship services that day – with services concluding with regular Sunday morning worship.


Clear Springs hosts an annual meeting on the 4th weekend in October. We typically invite a visiting minister to preach for us throughout the weekend. Services typically begin on Saturday at 10:30am – with morning and afternoon worship services that day – and services concluding with regular Sunday morning worship and communion.

Communion Service

Clear Springs observes the Lord’s Supper and communion service twice a year, typically the 1st Sunday in June and the 4th Sunday in October.  Our church members – and all other visiting baptized members of the Primitive Baptist faith – partake of the ordinances of the church established by Jesus: partaking of unleavened bread and wine, and washing of the saints’ feet.