Author: Pastor David Page 1 of 22

Christ’s Prayer of Praise for His Finished Work

Jesus Christ offered a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for his finished work of salvation, and we should likewise offer prayers of thanksgiving for his finished work as well. We answer the question, who was given to Christ on the cross? Christ makes it clear he finished the work for those who were given unto him. If all the world was given unto Christ, either everyone will be in heaven or Christ’s word was a failure. Instead, Jesus’ own words affirm that he finished the work of salvation in saving his people from their sins.

The Work of An Evangelist

One of the blessings God gave to the church to preserve unity was the various gifts of the ministry. One of those gifts is the gift of an evangelist. We consider together the example of Philip the evangelist displaying the gift of an evangelist. However, the most prevalent application for the ministry and all the church today is to do the “work” of an evangelist. All of God’s children should follow the example of scripture to practice relationship evangelism to do the “work” of an evangelism.

Commonly Used Passages Against a Righteous God

We consider together the verse where little ones are dashed against a stone, that is commonly used as an attack against the righteousness of God. While God never approves or commands sin, oftentimes the Lord will suffer calamity to come to judge his people. However, God will always hold the wicked accountable for their actions of sin, which we see in the example of the nation of Babylon.

The Sin of Jeroboam

   In response to Solomon’s idolatry later in his life, the Lord chooses a man named Jeroboam to lead a rebellion to rend the kingdom and lead 10 of the 12 tribes apart from the rule of Solomon. When Solomon gets wind of this revolt, he attempts to kill Jeroboam, but he flees into Egypt for safety until Solomon’s death. When Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, takes over, he makes very foolish decisions to oppress the people, listening to his young friends instead of the wise sages that counseled Solomon. During this time, Jeroboam has returned and leads a rebellion of the northern 10 tribes that become known as “Israel” going forward, and the 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin still under Rehoboam’s rule are known as “Judah” going forward (see 1 Kg. 11-12 for this whole account).

Baptized With The Holy Ghost

We consider together our prayers for the church, 1) that we would be baptized with the Holy Ghost, power, and fire; 2) that our hearts would be knit together in love; and 3) that the Lord would take our humble loaves and fishes and multiply it exceedingly for His glory!

Honor & Pray for Government Leaders

The Bible commands God’s people to honor and pray for our government leaders. We do not pray just to advance our political agenda, but we pray for the government to maintain law and order so that we can lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. It is vitally important for the church to fulfil our scriptural duty to fervently pray for our governmental leaders.

Peace & Joy in the Midst of Tribulation

In this world, we shall have tribulation. It is a guarantee in this world of life under the sun. However, despite all the tribulation, trouble, and calamity that are inevitable in this world, we can still have peace in Jesus Christ. We can also have good cheer and great joy by placing our minds on the finished work of Jesus Christ in overcoming the world and his upcoming second return to finally overcome all our enemies in this world.

The Kingdom is Within You

The kingdom of God is not determined by physical location, not lo here or even lo there, but the kingdom is a spiritual kingdom that can rise up in many circumstances we might not expect. We consider some examples from the book of Acts and church history where we see the kingdom of God rising up for God’s children to fellowship together and fellowship with our king.

Lees & Dregs

The lees and dregs are the leftover remnants of wine at the bottom of the cup that are very unsavory to the taste. It is inevitable that the lees and dregs of our sins must be paid for. They will either be paid for by the wicked at the last day, or the dregs were paid in full by Jesus Christ on the cross.

Lessons from the Rebellion of Korah

2025 Fellowship Meeting. Lic. Braden Rogers considers the danger and escalation of rebellion that stemmed from Korah. From 1 to 3 to 250 to 14 thousand to the whole congregation, the rebellion of sin draws others in and escalates very quickly. In spite of our nature of rebellion, God is still very gracious to bless us with mercy and grace in spite of our sins.

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