Category: Radio

Christian Crazy, Part 5

We consider together the crazy faithfulness of the early Christians that impacted even their detractors. Also, we see the crazy, radical conversions in scripture. The Lord radically changes the lives of his children at the new birth in ways that we would never expect, that looks very crazy to us.

The Shepherds’ Gospel, Part 2

As we think about the birth of Jesus Christ, we consider the amazing message of the gospel that the shepherds received from the angels. This message truly changed their lives. They did not keep this message to themselves, but they shared it abroad with everyone they knew. In like manner, the gospel should have such a radical impact on our lives that we ought to be willing to share the good news with everyone that we know.

Christian Crazy, Part 4

The life of the Christian is contrary to the things of this world. We should be viewed as crazy in giving freely of both finances and time. We should be crazy focused on the heavenly things that await us instead of being mired down in the wickedness of this world. Our hope of heaven should be crazy to those of the world, and we look forward to the day of seeing Jesus face to face.

The Shepherds’ Gospel, Part 1

On the night Jesus was born, there was a special group that received the gospel directly from the angel, the shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night. They were the first group to receive the gospel of good tidings of great joy that shall be to all people. This message was a blessing to them, but then they also blazed abroad the gospel to everyone they saw. In like manner, we should spread the gospel to everyone we come in contact with to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Christian Crazy, Part 3

As Christians, we ought to act contrary to this world. We should follow the example of Jesus Christ and other disciples and be crazy generous. What we have is not our own, and we should not view it as ours to do as we please. Instead we should be radically charitable in helping others.

Providence by Angelic Intervention

When God sees fit to actively intervene in his providence, one of the primary ways he does is through angelic intervention. God sends his angels to providentially protect, defend, and fight on behalf of his children in this world to protect us from Satan and from our enemies.

Christian Crazy, Part 2

We consider the Samaritan woman for how crazy a Christian should look to the world. This woman who was living in sin was so crazy excited when she saw her Messiah that she broke social norms to not only speak to the men, but tell everyone in town to come see the Messiah, and led to many Samaritans being converted to Christ. Also, Hannah looked crazy to the world in honoring her vow to give up her son, Samuel, to the custody of the temple and Eli’s wicked sons. She displays crazy trust and faith in commending her son unto God.

Providence by God’s Active Intervention

Sometimes God sees fit to intervene in the affairs of men to actively stop events or save his people from danger or their enemies. When God sees fit to actively intervene, powerful, amazing things happen! Let’s consider together some amazing stories when God actively intervened to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think!

Christian Crazy, Part 1

This world views the disciples of Christ and Christians as crazy, which is a good thing if we are crazy for Christ’s sake. We consider some examples in scripture in which we should be crazy, in comparison to this world. We should be crazy in forgiveness, compassion, and faithfulness.

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